The past month was busy with two programming sprints. The seventh in our packaging series took place on 2010-07-29 and the and eighth was on 2010-08-05. We were planing on having a translation sprint on 2010-08-03 but we faced extreme competition from the excellent weather so it got cancelled for lack of participants. Hopefully, fall will be bring us back to our previous attendance levels.

The seventh sprint was at Brasseurs Numériques with the following sprinters:

  • Éric Araujo (remote from France)
  • Nicolas Cadou
  • Alex Gal
  • Yannick Gingras
  • Alok Mohindra
  • George Peristerakis
  • Luis Rojas

It was good to have Éric brave the time zone gap and to sprint with us until the early morning in his hometown. Most of the crew worked on improving the test coverage and Alex got to make some progress towards using argparse instead of getopt for command line arguments.

The eighth sprint was at the Montréal office of Google with the following sprinters:

  • Éric Araujo (remote from France)
  • Alex Gal
  • Yannick Gingras
  • Pierre Phaneuf
  • Antoine Reversat
  • Luis Rojas

Google's very stylish office is always very welcoming with extra perks such as easy access to the M&M dispenser. Watching the crowd at the outdoor fashion show bellow run for cover during the storm certainly confirmed that it was better to be sprinting than to be drinking on terraces.

Éric decided to stay up late for that sprint too, which really helped us. Most people worked on unit tests, Alex kept working on the argparse integration, and and Antoine improved the PEP-8 compliance of the code.

We will take a break for the rest of the summer but stay tuned for more sprints in September.